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Green Rides for a Better Future


Time Left Until Election Day

Tuesday, November 5, 2024

Charge The Vote Target States:







North Carolina







Electric Rides to the Polls is a nonpartisan voter education and engagement initiative to enhance voter turnout in the 2024 election by providing zero-emission transportation in electric vehicles (EVs) to local polling locations. This effort will simultaneously provide positive engagement with electric vehicles (EVs) and EV drivers local to their communities by assisting voters in exercising their right to vote via transportation in electric vehicles - EVs. This fosters a positive association with EVs in communities that have the most to gain including financial savings, good paying U.S. jobs across all skill levels, cleaner air, increased access to safe transportation, and more. is powered by the nation's largest network of diverse EV drivers - EVHybridNoire. 

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Electrify Your Vote!

Join us this November Election as we help communities across the country, make their voices heard. Whether you're an EV driver ready to volunteer or a voter hoping to get a ride, we're here to assist.

By participating in this initiative, you’re not only supporting voter turnout but also contributing to a cleaner, more sustainable future. Together, we can help ensure that everyone has the opportunity to make their voice heard and drive positive change in our communities.

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Join us in this effort—whether you're driving or riding—and help us make a difference this election season.

Sign Up to Request a Ride

Preferred Pick-Up Time
Do you need a ride back?

Sign Up to Volunteer as EV Driver

3-Hour Window of Availability
Request a Ride
Volunteer as an EV Driver
Election Terms

Election Terms

You Should Know

Ballot Box

Voters use the "ballot box" or "ballot booth" to cast their votes anonymously, ensuring the secrecy of their choices. Whether voters use a paper ballot or an electronic ballot, the ballot box is designed to prevent tampering and maintain the voting process's integrity.

Voting Rights

A collection of legal safeguards designated to each citizen guaranteeing the chance to participate in local, state, and federal elections.

Voter Suppression: 

Attempts by an individual, group, law/policy, or political party to hinder or prevent specific groups of people––historically Black and brown voters in the U.S.––from exercising their right to vote. Examples of voter suppression tactics include reducing the number of polling sites in certain areas, instituting restrictive voter ID requirements (like in Wisconsin), and spreading misinformation to discourage/mislead potential voters.

Election Day

The designated day––always a Tuesday––on which citizens go to the polls to vote.

Primary Election

A preliminary election held to determine the candidates that a political party (e.g. Democrats and Republicans) will nominate for an upcoming general election. Some states have closed primaries, meaning you have to vote for that party's nominee, and others like Wisconsin have open primaries, where you can vote for Democratic or Republican nominees.

General Election

Occurring after a primary election, a general election is a regularly scheduled election where voters ultimately elect candidates to public office. These elections typically occur at set intervals.


The core of the American voting system, a form of government in which power ultimately belongs to the people. Through democracy, voters, social groups, and organizations can affect change in society.

Local Politics

Specific political issues and processes that occur at the local level, such as city, municipal, or county politics. This type of politics affects one's community and city.

Absentee Ballot

Also known as a “mail-in ballot,” voting by absentee ballot is a voting method that allows registered voters to cast their ballots in an election without physically going to a polling place on Election Day.

Temporary Vote

Voters who are temporarily overseas have options for absentee voting under terms of agreement with the U.S. Department of Justice.

Electric Vehicle (EV)

Electric vehicle (EV) is a type of vehicle powered entirely (battery electric vehicle) or partially by electric motors - (plug in hybrids), using electricity stored in rechargeable batteries instead of relying on traditional internal combustion engines fueled by gasoline or diesel. These vehicles include not only cars, but medium/heavy duty trucks, school buses, public transit buses and more. EVs are known for producing zero tailpipe emissions, offering a more environmentally friendly alternative to conventional vehicles. There are currently about 5.6 million+ EVs with 212+ different electric vehicle make and models on U.S. roads being manufactured by almost every domestic and international auto manufacturers today. Electric vehicles include cars, public transit buses, medium/heavy duty trucks, vans, school buses and more. For cars there are affordable EVs new and used across all price points for all U.S. households.

State Politics

Specific political issues and processes that occur at the state level of government (e.g. the state of Wisconsin). These processes typically involve policies regarding education, healthcare, and transportation.

National Politics

Political issues and processes that occur at the national and federal level, affecting the country as a whole. These processes typically involve policies regarding foreign policy, social welfare programs, and national security while also affecting state and local politics.


The process of dividing areas and drawing the lines of districts from which public officials are elected. Redistricting occurs every ten years after a Census.


When a political interest in power manipulates the boundaries of voting districts in crafty ways to gain unfair advantages.

Partisan Gerrymandering

A type of gerrymandering where political maps are drawn to make elections less competitive and certain political parties more likely to win.

Racial Gerrymandering

A type of gerrymandering where political maps are drawn to prevent communities of color from electing their preferred candidates.


A direct vote in which the entire electorate is invited to either accept or reject a particular proposal, usually a law or government action.

Voter ID

A document required to prove a voter’s identity before they are allowed to cast their vote in an election.

Early Voting

Set days in which registered voters can cast their vote in-person before the designated Election Day.

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